News & Media

Work Zone Awareness Week Billboard Campaign & Calendar

National Work Zone Awareness Week (WZAW) is held every April across the country reminding motorists to drive safely not only for the sake of South Dakota highway workers but also for the drivers themselves and their passengers. AGC participates each spring by hosting a 4th grade billboard campaign and press conferences held at winning South Dakota elementary schools. The AGC receives hundreds of great artwork submissions, many of which weren’t chosen to be on a billboard. However the creativity behind each drawing was hard to surpass and show. Thus, the calendar idea was brought to life and not only features the 2024 billboard winners artwork, but other outstanding submissions as well. You will see that each month features a different look, but are all related to work zone safety. This calendar idea was awarded in part, a 2014 AGC of America National Public Relations Award!


Coloring Book

Click here to download the SDAGC created Children's Coloring Book